Posts tagged with life-as-an-artist
The artist’s full body workout
2020-05-06 21:30:43 UTCSome years ago, the term “sitting disease” caught the eye of the corporate world and quickly became etched into irritating workplace speak. Everyone was an expert. People luxuriated in the sound of their own voices as they shamed their colleagues, “You know Carol, if you sit too much, you’ll end…
I’m not weird, I’m just Baltic
2020-04-22 21:21:53 UTCWhile searching my list of half-baked blog ideas, Mr Slager, who was in the next room, sent me a very helpful email. I appreciate how dysfunctional this non-verbal communication sounds but sharing workspace in isolation has somehow made this method of delivery another “new normal”. He’d sent an article entitled…
Google said I look like a man in tights
2020-03-25 22:34:00 UTCUnfortunately, quarantine doesn’t look good on everyone Only a few days into quarantine and already bemoaning the boredom? It’s a perfect opportunity to clean out the roof gutters or sequinned disco outfits you never wear, but for some reason you’re “just not feeling it”? I have a solution. Mr Slager…
How to be a professional artist - the day I headlined for Duran Duran
2020-02-19 23:19:27 UTCOk so I wasn’t expecting a part 2 but here it is. I was once again taken aback, this time by a phone call asking for an interview on ABC Radio Gold Coast drive time. The team had been contacted about my Art Lovers Australia win for ‘This is not…
How to be a professional artist - the day I became a selfie star
2020-02-12 02:59:38 UTCI thought I’d amuse myself and share my latest art studio escapades Having only recently moved into this house, my studio is still looking a little barren. I don’t have use for easels, drop cloths, trestle tables, racks of canvases and the like, so everything is fairly minimal and compact.…
Artwork feature: When is a Roman soldier not a Roman soldier?
2020-02-05 23:42:31 UTCHere is my piece ‘Do you have change for a denarius?’ What would you say is depicted here? Roman centurions or Roman Legionnaires
‘Do you have change for a denarius?’ by Candace Slager Surprisingly, it’s neither of those. The secret lies in which century you live. These are actually fake…
New art: Skipping from the hips, a lesson in being a cow!
2020-01-24 07:50:25 UTCHuzzah! Here is my latest colour pencil piece First, I must tell you a silly story.
‘Cow corner’ - colour pencil on watercolour paper For locals on the Gold Coast you will know these cows pretty well. A random farmyard in the middle of udder suburbia (sorry). A remnant of…
“How do you do that?”
2020-01-09 22:00:00 UTC“How do you do that?”. Sometimes people ask me this when they see my drawings. I have no doubt they are being complimentary and see something great in what I do. My response? I shrug and say “Thanks. I don’t know. I just kind of…do it”. Yep. Real helpful I…
Shipwrecked in the Med and other nonsense about me
2020-01-02 22:00:00 UTCThe Med. Corfu to be precise. Serene isn’t it. Or is it? What you will get on my blog… I started this blog as an extension of my work as an artist. As I’m the introvert, likes cats better than people type, my drawings don’t always express who I am.…